Excel Functions

How to use the IFERROR function in Microsoft Excel

In a Nutshell The IFERROR function is a powerful tool that can be used to trap and handle errors in Excel formulas. It can be used to replace error values with text, numbers, or other formulas. Syntax The syntax for the IFERROR function is as follows: =IFERROR(value,...

How to use the TEXTJOIN function in Microsoft Excel

How to use the TEXTJOIN function in Microsoft Excel

In a Nutshell The TEXTJOIN function combines the text from multiple ranges and/or strings in one cell. It provides the option to add delimiting characters (ike dashes or spaces) between all the different strings being joined together. Syntax =TEXTJOIN(delimiter,...

How to use the MIN function in Microsoft Excel

How to use the MIN function in Microsoft Excel

In a Nutshell The MIN function is used to find the lowest value in a range of values. Syntax =MIN(number1, [number2], …) The arguments (number1 , number2, …) are up to 255 numbers for which you want to find the minimum value. The first one is required; the rest are...

How to use the CONCAT function in Microsoft Excel

How to use the CONCAT function in Microsoft Excel

In a Nutshell The CONCAT function combines the text from multiple ranges and/or strings. Syntax =CONCAT(text1, [text2], …) The arguments (text1, text2, …) are up to 253 items to be joined. Each argument listed in the brackets can either be a string, or an array of...

How to use the MAX function in Microsoft Excel

How to use the MAX function in Microsoft Excel

In a Nutshell The MAX function is used to find the greatest value in a range of values. Syntax =MAX(number1, [number2], …) The arguments (number1 , number2, …) are up to 255 numbers for which you want to find the maximum value. The first one is required; the rest are...

Excel SIGN Function

Excel SIGN Function

In a Nutshell SIGN is a Microsoft Excel function that tells us the sign of a number (i.e. whether the number is positive, negative, or zero). It does this by returning either a 1 (for a positive number), 0 (for zero) or -1 (for a negative number). It is categorised in...

How to use the CONCATENATE function in Microsoft Excel

How to use the CONCATENATE function in Microsoft Excel

In a Nutshell To CONCATENATE is to "Join" or "Combine" data together. Assume you have numerous columns of data to combine, and manually combining the data isn't a possibility. You can use the CONCATENATE function to combine content from several cells into a single...

Excel IF Function

Excel IF Function

How To Use the IF Function in Excel In a Nutshell The IF function is an extremely versatile logical function in Excel. It is used to perform a logical test to see if a certain condition is true or false. For example, "Is the value in cell C5 greater than 50?". If the...

Excel TRIM Function

In a Nutshell TRIM is a Microsoft Excel function that removes all spaces from a string of text, except for single spaces between words. The TRIM function is useful for cleaning up text imported into Excel that may have irregular spacing. It is categorised in the Text...

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